Welcome to Spectrum Gardening Spectrum Gardening

Quality so reliable, we’ll never use anything else

They said “never get high on your own supply”, but we didn’t listen! Every single product we sell, we’ve tested extensively in our own gardens to make sure it’s the very best option available before we sell it to you.

Gardening is for everyone

One of our strongest beliefs is that gardening can greatly benefit any person, and anyone CAN garden, no matter what that may look like!

We’re proof that you don’t need to let things like autism or serious heart conditions hold you back!

We have experienced first hand the incredible therapy that is sinking your hands into the soil, and are passionate about sharing that with others, whether that be making sure our prices are affordable for everyone, or helping to remove whatever barriers you may have keeping you from growing.


Always local

All of our famous heirloom tomato seedlings are proudly grown right here in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia.