Meet Svetlana
Growing up in Russia surrounded by agriculture, my parents and all my neighbors grew garlic and tomatoes with no fanfare whatsoever. While on a student exchange program from the university I was attending in Greece to a university in Canada, I started to hear how good Russian garlic and Russian tomatoes are.
However, upon trying them in Canada (and to this day: shh don’t say it to Theo) I couldn’t understand what the big fuss is all about. They taste just like regular tomatoes and garlic, no different from what we grew back home!
Having our backyard turned into a farm is fun, especially in the middle of the summer when we are drowning in buckets of tomatoes and fresh veggies. But for me a sign that summer has finally arrived is when I can make a Russian summer salad (tomatoes, cucumber, radishes, onion and dill, with sour cream or aromatic sun-flower oil as a dressing).
After traveling the world while working in various business settings and gaining experience in marketing and public relations I’m thrilled to be sharing what I know with my local community.
You may not see me at many markets—I’m usually behind the scenes, coming up with new designs and products to be implemented, doing admin work and everything in between (for example, overseeing CEO Theo to ensure he does not spend all his time talking about tomatoes!) My focus has always been ensuring our products provide not only great value to our customers but are also as affordable as possible.

Time in Russia

"Babushka's Flowers"

Mother and Daugther