January 12 2022

How to install a raised garden bed
If you'd rather watch a video or would like visually see each step we check out our YouTube video at the bottom of the page!
Tools required.
-Work knife.
-Long straight piece of wood/metal (depending on how long your level is)
One of the most common mistakes we've seen people do is use plastic to line the sides of their boxes. Another is the use landscaping fabric at the bottom of the box.
Wood needs to naturally breathe, having a plastic liner between the wood and soil will trap moisture (water) and cause the wood to rot prematurely. It's best to leave your side bare
If landscape fabric is used on the bottom the bed it'll create a barrier that will not only prevent any weeds from growing from underneath but it'll also stop worms from migrating and the roots from your own veggies from going deeper. A much better option is cardboard, while it will break down after a certain time, in the meanwhile however it will provide food for worms and other microorganisms. By the time it will break down all (or at least most) of the weeds/grass will be dead due to lack of sunlight and the roots of your plants will be able to happily grow deeper in to the soil.
1) Pick a spot (if you haven’t already) and lay the box down roughly in position. If there are low spots along the frame of the box, it is always better the remove soil from the high spots vs trying to fill in the low spots. If you fill in the low spot the soil can compress and over time your bed can become uneven.
2) Check the for low or high spots visually. Use the level to figure out how much you have to dig down any high spots. With the box in place drag your spade along the inside perimeter to mark your edge. Press lightly down on the box so when removed you are able to see an impression on the ground where the box use to sit.
3) It best to bury the whole perimeter of the box 1”-2” into the ground to ensure no soil loss, and long term stability.
4) When removing the soil from any high spots it’s okay if the area is much thicker then the dimension of the lumber you can always back fill later.
5) Once you’ve removed the soil from all the high spots place the box back and check with the level. It may take a couple tries to remove enough soil and get the box level enough.
6) Once the soil has been levelled out enough and the box is in place, rough up the ground inside the box. (Not necessary to do if installed over existing soil). But if installed over grass either rough up extremely well or flip the grass upside down.
7) Lay 2-3 layers of thick cardboard down on the bottom of the box (apple boxes are the best). The cardboard will help keep any potential weeds down and will provide some extra carbon for the plants.
8) Back fill around the outside of your box if needed
9) Fill with soil and now you are ready now plant!